Chuyên mục: Communication

SEN Pharma’s LinkedIn reaches 3000 followers

SEN Pharma’s LinkedIn page, which was started in June 2022, has more than 3,000 followers,

The English version of SEN Pharma’s website is now available

The SEN Pharma website is now featuring in both English and Vietnamese versions, becoming one

Celebrate the milestone of 1,100 followers on SEN Pharma’s LinkedIn

It has been an incredible journey for SEN Pharma to pass a very important milestone

SEN Pharma’s website reached over 11,000 visits. Officially offer VIP account

It has been 1.5 months since the launching of on 17th July 2022. This

Instructions for using website effectively

In this video, Mr. Vo Le Ngoc Chau – CEO of SEN Pharma, will guide

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