On Saturday, April 8, 2023, the workshop “DECODING FACTORY MYSTERIES” was held successfully at the Faculty of Pharmacy – University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Ho Chi Minh City, with the first collaboration between SEN Pharma and Duoc Si Thau Dau.

The workshop has attracted the interest and participation of a significant number of Pharmacy students. During the workshop, MSc. Pharmacist. Vo Le Ngoc Chau discussed his professional background in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing.

In the first part of the workshop, the presenter discussed the growth potential of Pharmaceutical Manufacturing in Vietnam and career opportunities within the factory’s departments.

Following that, a professional situation that is regularly seen in real factory situations is nicely performed via video. The video helped the students figure out what was going on in the above case study by asking them professional questions and teaching them how to handle factory situations.

At the end of the workshop, a detailed and informative simulated interview between the recruiter and the candidate for the position of QA officer is conducted. Thus, the speaker discussed the skills that should be possessed when applying for a job and the experience of answering interview questions, enabling potential candidates to be assessed accurately by employers.

SEN Pharma wishes all students of the Faculty of Pharmacy the best of luck in their future endeavors and hopes to meet you at one of our upcoming programs!

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